Saturday, October 29, 2011

Church Picnic 10-2011

Right after church we all headed down to Joy and Donald's cabin for our annual church picnic, what fun do we have, little children play in the big swing, riding down the hillside in the wagons and what everelse they want to do, big kids and adults play cornhole, volleyball and football, we can't leave out the food, ohhhh  soooo good, anything your mouth would taste for , would probably sitting on the tables outside on the lawn of the cabin, and desserts to die for including my sister inlaw's homeade chocalote pie with meringe about two inches thick!

Nell, Harper and Bob!

Jessie approaching the to get on the horse!

She made it, hoorah!

Now Joy and Elee are going to try and attempt to get Harper on the horse with Jessie!

No luck yet, even tho Harper as soon as she get's to Dunnville, she is ready to go to Joy's and see the horsies!

At least the horse will get a kiss from Miss Harper!

No she does like getting on the horse as you can see!

For sure believe Harper she does not like getting on the horsies!

Elee had this shirt made for Harper for her birthday1

Elee and Harper are big buddies now!

Kisses for Elee!

Harper going to pet the horse, maybe!

Good job Harper Elle, my baby girl!

Joy and Harper!

Harper, my sweet baby girl!

The Cietek's

Audrey & Laura friends for a long long time!

The football game was probably the funniest happening of the day, so many of the adults played and alot of teenagers as you can see, we laughed so hard at them, as you can see in the next pictures, it was fun for all!


LeeAnn doing her part!

Benjamin getting ready for some action!

Bay, John Luke and Benjamin setting the play!

Baylen running the ball against Steve!

Lee Ann dodging to get hit!

Baylen backing Steve Fox down the field, hahaha!

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